Sunday, October 24, 2010

Character Kickoff- One for the record books!

Last Thursday marked our annual "Character Kickoff" celebration emphasizing unity, collaboration and problem solving between students and staff. With gray morning clouds giving way to a beautiful afternoon of sunshine, LIS students put on one of the greatest displays of character I have seen in my four plus years at our school.

I had the chance to observe and speak to our students that day, and it was an absolute pleasure to see how supportive and caring they were all day long. You could feel the presence of a true sense of family and community that every principal would love to see at his or her school. The best thing is that we have this type of environment at our school every day. It continues to become more and more ingrained in staff and students with each year that passes.

Geno Auriemma is the women's basketball coach at the University of Connecticut, and I remember something he said to a reporter who was complimenting him on his leadership of the program. He said "It's easy to be a great coach when you have great players on your team." I am not saying I am anything or anywhere near a great coach, but I am certainly fortunate to have great players- staff and students- on my team. Hats off to all for a great day!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Character Kickoff" Kicks Off In Two Days!!

It is that time of year again. The leaves are starting to turn and there is a crispness in the air that is synonymous with autumn. It is also that time of year when LIS holds its annual "Character Kickoff." This is an award winning program that has been nationally recognized by the Character Education Partnership (CEP). LIS staff and students as well as peer leaders from Lawrence High School will come together on Thursday to promote unity, collaboration and problem solving by participating in a number of unique activities.

Character Kickoff is a cornerstone event which exemplifies our emphasis on developing the whole child here at LIS. The activities children participate in allow them to bond with classmates and give them meaningful skills to work well with others in future situations. So let's kickoff the year with great character!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Little One Who Follows Me

If you have been with us at Lawrence Intermediate for a while, you probably know how much of an influence John Wooden has had on me as an educator. His teachings are at the core of what we do in terms of character development with our students. Today would have been John's 100th birthday had he not passed away last June at the age of 99. I found the poem below in one of his books a while back. I believe it was written by someone else, yet it speaks well to anyone who works with children-teachers, coaches, parents, reminding all of us of how much influence we really have on young people.

A careful man I ought to be, a little fellow follows me.
I dare not go astray, for fear he'll go the self-same way.

I cannot once escape his eyes, whatever he sees me do, he tries
Like me, he says, he's going to be, the little one who follows me.

He thinks that I am good and fine, believes in every word of mine.
The base in me he must not see, the little one who follows me.

I must remember as I go, through summers' sun and winters' snow.
I 'm building for the years to be, this little one who follows me.

Thanks Coach. Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Talent 21 Workshop for 6th Grade Parents

On Wednesday, October 27, 2010 and Thursday, October 28, 2010 from 6:00pm-8:00pm, the Lawrence Township Public Schools will be offering the following Talent 21 Parent Workshop:

Your Child in a Connected World
Description: In this session we will discuss the tools your child is using with their teachers to further their learning and help you to understand how they help them reach higher levels of thinking. We will also provide you with simple steps you can begin taking into your home to help build a safer globally connected online experience for your children.
Presenter: Jennifer Beine, November Learning
Location: District Technology Center, 2525 Princeton Pike

Please register at Only 25 spots are available for each night and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Both nights will cover the same material, so you only need to sign up for one session.

Since space is limited and in order to provide this workshop to as many households as possible, we ask that only one parent attend. Students should not attend.

We will be offering these workshops for parents throughout the year, so if you are unable to attend or if the workshops fill up before you have a chance to sign up, there will be other opportunities.

Internet Safety Program

With Talent 21 emphasizing that our 6th grade students become digitallly responsible learners, Richard Guerry, from IROC2 (Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication) came to speak with our students last week. Both 6th grade houses, the Dream Team and Team Quest, attended their own assembly with Mr. Guerry and they were very well received. Below are a few comments from teachers.

"I thought it was very worthwhile. Afterwards the kids' comments showed that they really took to heart what Mr. Guerry had to say. I think they now realize they really need to THINK before doing anything with technology."

"Rich (Guerry) was a GREAT speaker! From where I was sitting, the kids were totally engaged."

"It was very informative, for students and adults. I learned a few things myself and I thought the way he spoke to the kids was great. His presentation was age-apropriate, which really helped the kids to understand the message."

You can find out more about The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication at

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Word of Thanks

I wanted to thank all members of the LIS family: staff, students and parents for your kindness, support and generosity during my absence last month. While South Korea was a wonderful experience I will never forget, it is good to be back home in the U.S. and at L.I.S.